Senior Management meeting of Department of National Planning and Monitoring - PNG, is scheduled on 30th June 2022 at Loloata, from 10 AM.


Senior Management meeting of Department of National Planning and Monitoring - PNG, is scheduled on 30th June 2022 at Loloata, from 10 AM.


"Securing a Sustainable Future Through Strategic Policy and Investment Planning for all Papua New Guineans."


"To Lead, Plan, Coordinate, Monitor and Review National Developement Policies and Plans Through Strategic Planning, Effective Partnerships and Resource Mobilisation."


"Securing a Sustainable Future Through Strategic Policy and Investment Planning for all Papua New Guineans."


"To Lead, Plan, Coordinate, Monitor and Review National Developement Policies and Plans Through Strategic Planning, Effective Partnerships and Resource Mobilisation."

Foreword & Introduction

The Department of National Planning and Monitoring under my leadership as the Minister responsible for National Planning matters is strategically positioned to support the Marape-Steven's Government in translating the Government's policies into result-oriented actions. This will be through strategic planning, effective resource mobilisation and allocation of these resources to critical public investment programs and projects, coordination of sector policies and investment plans including Provincial and District Development Plans; and monitoring, evaluation and reporting on the implementation of government's key investment programs and projects in different sectors of the economy. The Department's responsibility is also in the coordination of all bilateral and multilateral development partner cooperation activities including support from both the private sectors .... Readmore

Foreword & Introduction

The Department of National Planning and Monitoring under my leadership as the Minister responsible for National Planning matters is strategically positioned to support the Marape-Steven's Government in translating the Government's policies into result-oriented actions. This will be through strategic planning, effective resource mobilisation and allocation of these resources to critical public investment programs and projects, coordination of sector policies and investment plans including Provincial and District Development Plans; and monitoring, evaluation and reporting on the implementation of government's key investment programs and projects in different sectors of the economy. The Department's responsibility is also in the coordination of all bilateral and multilateral development partner cooperation activities including support from both the private sectors ....


Functions & Responsibilities

Executive Services and Operations

The Office of the Secretary is responsible for the overall operations and management of the Department and is the interface between the Department and the Ministry for Planning, other government agencies, stakeholders and partners and the public.The secretary provides the strategic leadership to the Department and as CEO is also responsible for the performance and welfare of all personnel per the Public services Management Act....


Policy and Planning Wing

The Policy and Planning Wing covers four (4) divisions whose responsibilities are in strategic foresight, high level economic and social policy and planning, research and statistics and information management, development partnerships and aid utilisation. These all form an integrated role supporting national policy development and implementation.This oversight responsibility involves the reviews and development....


Programming and Monitoring Wing

The Programming and Monitoring Wing (PMW) provides oversight and policy support in planning and programming at sectoral level to achieve policy coherence, planning alignment and consistency with higher level government priorities. The Wing is responsible in the effective management and oversight of the Public Investment Programme (PIP) and the Annual Investment Budget (CIB)....
