Welcome to the Website of the Department of National Planning and Monitoring (DNPM) of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea.
The PNG Vision 2050 expresses the aspiration for PNG to be a 'Smart, Wise, Fair, Healthy and Happy Society by 2050' and be in the top 50 countries in the Human Development Index (HDI) ranking. The PNG Development Strategic Plan (DSP) 2010-2030 envisions PNG to be a 'middle-income country' by the year 2030.
With these visionary goals and objectives, the Department is committed to achieve an inclusive and sustainable economic growth for Papua New Guinea; to move the economy and country forward. We continue to work progressively to ensure that policies of Government at the sector and sub-national levels are coherently and strategically aligned with the Loloata Leader's Commitment and the Government's Medium Term Development Plan III 2018-2022. We ensure due diligence on public investment programmes are undertaken, and systems and processes are strengthened.
We value the development partnerships that the Government has forged to support its development priorities and we ensure effective coordination of development cooperation resources are of value for money.
DNPM is working diligently with all our stakeholders to build a better future for Papua New Guinea.
It is my pleasure to present the Departments Corporate Plan 2020 – 2024, as the blue print to guide my Departments operations and functions for the next five years as we continue to position ourselves to support the Government in delivering our Medium Term Development Plan III and other critical development agendas.
This Corporate Plan is developed at a critical time in which the Government and the Country is facing the daunting challenge of providing essential services of meeting the demands of a fast-growing population compounded by an economy that is performing at a rate that is slower to keep phase with the increasing demands of our people. Our Department has been given the onerous task of translating the government's visions and policies in to strategic and pragmatic outcomes.
This Plan remains central to our core business of coordinating development in the country through strategic alignments of sector plans and policies to the MTDP III and Loloata Accord. Furthermore, the coordination of the Public Investment Programs and Projects implementation is critical to effective service delivery to our people. Our functions are integral to the overall goal of the MTDP III to achieve an 'Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth for Papua New Guinea' to move the economy and country forward
The Corporate Plan 2020-2024 entails key deliverables and targets with specific timelines for the department to measure its performance within the course of five years. Since 2009, the Department did not have any officially sanctioned Corporate Plan and I am pleased that finally the Department is able to have fully pledged plan to guide its performance going forward. This is the first Corporate Plan which anchors well on the Planning and Monitoring Responsibility Act, 2016.
The Corporate Plan will guide us to be more focused and strategic in undertaking our corporate objectives as stated below:
To effectively plan, formulate and coordinate development planning and programming in Papua New Guinea.
To ensure Public Investment Programs and Projects are effectively coordinated through the sectors and implemented successfully.
Apply strong rigor to monitoring, evaluation and reporting of the Capital Investment Budgets to Government and to all our key stakeholders on the use of public funds for transparency and accountability purposes.
Smarter and effective mobilization, coordination and management of development partner aid resources that support the MTDP III implementation.
Improved and strong internal systems and processes, better management of human resources and wellbeing of staff, which are critical to vibrant and robust performance of our department.
Improved database development, stakeholder engagements and consultations for better outcomes.
Improved information and database management systems, collection and analysis.
Our mission and vision are broad and challenging and we are prepared to deliver the identified key strategic result areas to achieve our core strategic objectives. We are sensitive to our stakeholder expectations and will take necessary responsibilities to respond in everyway possible to support all our stakeholders. With the pool of experienced and talented managers and officers the Department has, we are very confident that we will deliver our Corporate Plan 2020-2024 successfully. I pray for God's guidance in our endeavors to support the Government to create a better future for all Papua New Guineans.