Medium Term Development Plan IV 2018-2022

The Medium Term Development Plan IV (MTDPIV) is a five year development plan for Papua New Guinea which will cover the period 2018-2022. This plan builds on the positive gains and lessons learnt from the two previous Medium Term Development Plans, the MTDP I (2011-2015) and the bridging MTDP II (2016-2017). The MTDP IV is the first medium term development plan to be aligned to the parliamentary cycle of five years, in which every new Government will have its own five-year Medium Term Development Plans.

The overall goal of MTDP IV is to secure the future through inclusive sustainable economic growth. The key objectives of the MTDP IV are:

(i) Increase the internal revenue on a sustainable basis to secure sufficient resources from domestic tax collections, non-tax revenues and export earnings;
(ii) Increase training, capacity and employment opportunities for PNG citizens;
(iii) Increase PNG ownership and benefits in the formal business sector;
(iv) Improve quality of service delivery in rural districts across the country;
(v) Create a safe and competitive environment to attract foreign and domestic investments;
(vi) Support provinces and districts to generate sustainable internal revenue;
(vii) Manage population growth at a sustainable level and promote family planning; and
(viii) Improve evidence-based planning process.

To fulfil the above-mentioned key objectives, the Government's inclusive and sustainable growth agenda is captured in the Eight (8) Key Result Areas (KRAs), which it plans to achieve during the period 2018-2022:

1. Increased Revenue and Wealth Creation,
2. Quality Infrastructure and Utilities,
3. Sustainable Social Development,
4. Improved Law and Justice and National security,
5. Improved Service Delivery,
6. Improved Governance,
7. Responsible Sustainable Development, and
8. Sustainable Population.

The Medium Term Development Plan IV (MTDPIV) is a five year development plan for Papua New Guinea which will cover the period 2018-2022. This plan builds on the positive gains and lessons learnt from the two previous Medium Term Development Plans, the MTDP I (2011-2015) and the bridging MTDP II (2016-2017). The MTDP IV is the first medium term development plan to be aligned to the parliamentary cycle of five years, in which every new Government will have its own five-year Medium Term Development Plans.

The overall goal of MTDP IV is to secure the future through inclusive sustainable economic growth. The key objectives of the MTDP IV are:

(i) Increase the internal revenue on a sustainable basis to secure sufficient resources from domestic tax collections, non-tax revenues and export earnings;
(ii) Increase training, capacity and employment opportunities for PNG citizens;
(iii) Increase PNG ownership and benefits in the formal business sector;
(iv) Improve quality of service delivery in rural districts across the country;
(v) Create a safe and competitive environment to attract foreign and domestic investments;
(vi) Support provinces and districts to generate sustainable internal revenue;
(vii) Manage population growth at a sustainable level and promote family planning; and
(viii) Improve evidence-based planning process.

To fulfil the above-mentioned key objectives, the Government's inclusive and sustainable growth agenda is captured in the Eight (8) Key Result Areas (KRAs), which it plans to achieve during the period 2018-2022:

1. Increased Revenue and Wealth Creation,
2. Quality Infrastructure and Utilities,
3. Sustainable Social Development,
4. Improved Law and Justice and National security,
5. Improved Service Delivery,
6. Improved Governance,
7. Responsible Sustainable Development, and
8. Sustainable Population.