The Minister's Message

Our efforts as a Government to grow the economy and be economically independent remains high on our agenda. For Papua New Guinea to take back more and be economically independent is entrenched in our National Constitution and in alignment with the PNG Vision 2050, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Medium Term Development Plan III, all aimed to better deliver socio-economic prosperity for the country and become a middle-income country by 2050.

Our road to being a fully-fledged Middle-Income Country by 2030; protecting our natural assets, people-centred population management and stabilization, and being environmentally and economically sustainable, are critical pathways to achieving these targets.

All Government stakeholders at all levels are expected to align and commit their Development Plans to the overarching planning frameworks of our country to work towards reaching the desired destination. Development Partners, Civil Society Organisations and the Private Sector are also encouraged to continue their support and complement the Government's efforts in achieving its priorities. I convey our Government's deepest gratitude to the continued services of our Development Partners.