Guided by the National Constitution, overarching the Department of National Planning and Monitoring
The role of DNPM is to lead, plan, coordinate and facilitate appropriate national and international initiatives that addresses and promotes equitable and sustainable development of Papua New Guinea, in accordance with both a long-term vision for the Nation that has the support of the citizens of Papua New Guinea and the five (5) directive principles of the National Constitution. The Department of National Planning and Monitoring acts as the key central agency advising Government on matters relating to strategic development; development policy; development planning and programming; foreign aid coordination and management; and monitoring and evaluation of national development projects and programmes
The Department of National Planning and Monitoring was initially created as a function of the Prime Ministers well after Independence and called Central Planning Unit. The current DNPM has grown over a period of seen gradual change and development over a 20 year period since its first establishment as Its role being "to lead, plan, coordinate and facilitate appropriate national and international initiatives that address and promote equitable and sustainable development of Papua New Guinea" in accordance with both the long and medium term goals and visions of the country that has the support of the citizens of Papua New Guinea and the five (5) directive principles of the National Constitution, the Planning and Monitoring Responsibility Act, and other enabling legislations that support the Department as a key central agency advising Government on matters relating to strategic development; policy; development planning and programming; coordination and management; and monitoring and evaluation of national development.
Thus for the department to perform its role effectively, it must have the ability to anticipate possible future events and developments. Hence it is operationality and performance is guided relevant visions successive DNPM Corporate Plans. The currently
Our role and mandate to support the Government ensure effective planning, implementation and achieve national development targets are as follows;
1. The Department shall be responsible for the development, review, amendment and oversight of the national planning framework, national service delivery framework, annual budget framework paper and the MTDP monitoring and evaluation framework.
2. The Department shall ensure that it consults all relevant state bodies when developing, reviewing and amending the national planning framework, national service delivery framework, annual budget framework paper and the MTDP monitoring and evaluation framework.
3. The development of, review and amendments to the national planning framework, national service delivery framework, annual budget framework paper and MTDP monitoring and evaluation framework shall be approved by the National Executive Council before they take effect.
The Department uses the national planning framework to ensure dialogue and coordination with all government agencies at the national level, sectoral level, sub-national government level, development partners, civil society and private sector agents in the development space