Minister for National Planning Hon Samuel H Basil was among a high level delegation that traveled to Boromil village in Gumine District, Simbu Province to launch a vital road rehabilitation and sealing project. The delegation traveled to Gumine on Thursday at the invitation of the member for Gumine and Minister for Higher Education Research Science and Technology, Nick Kuman. Also part of the delegation was Michael Nali, Minister for Works & Implementation, Renbo Paita, Minister for Finance & Rural Development, Koni Iguan, Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Kennedy Wenge, Member for Nawaeb, Secretary for Department of Finance Dr Ken Ngangan. There they launched the Dirima-Olegain Road Rehabilitation and Sealing Project. “This is a very important project through the Government’s District Works Program. Let me assure you that this road project will continue to be supported by the Government each year through the budget ,” Minister Basil said. Minister Kuman said the Dirima-Olegain Road Rehabilitation and Sealing Project would open up the agriculture sector in the district and province and help improve the local economy. Minister for Works & Implementation Michael Nali urged the people to be good stewards of the project and be active participants in the development process of the country. Other projects that received support included the electricity supply project, the Polytechnic Institution and SME.