Programming and Monitoring Wing

The Programming and Monitoring Wing (PMW) provides oversight and policy support in planning and programming at sectoral level to achieve policy coherence, planning alignment and consistency with higher level government priorities. The Wing is responsible in the effective management and oversight of the Public Investment Programme (PIP) and the Annual Investment Budget (CIB), which involve implementation, monitoring and reporting of the CIB. The Wing is also responsible for strengthening and managing sectors to be more strategically linked to sector indicators and implementation.

The PIP function technically involves support to design and appraisal of investment programmes and projects over the medium term, planning and financing of the CIB in line with prescribed national development policies and priorities. During implementation of the PIP, the PMW works in close collaboration with Treasury and Finance Departments to ensure coherence and effective delivery on behalf of Government. The Senior Management of the Wing comprises the Deputy Secretary - Programming and Monitoring and five sector based Divisional Heads.