About DFA: Our Values


The values embodied in the previous and this Corporate Plan are for the Department of Foreign Affairs, including Papua New Guinea's diplomatic and consular representatives, to work with and on behalf of other government agencies, the private sector, and the nation as a whole to realize the National Goals and Directive Principles set in the Papua New Guinea Constitution and other relevant policies and strategies such as the Vision 2050, Medium Term Development Strategy (MTDS) and the Alotau Accords.

In doing so, the Department will operate as a team:

  • respectful of cultural and other differences, gender equality, religious freedom, the particula r circumstances of disabled persons, and human rights generally;
  • commited to fairness in the workplace, appropriate consultations, and providing opportuniti es - including education, training, and exchanges for all personnel to keep gaining relevant experience, education and skills; and
  • supporting the wide-ranging activities of the Minister