The core functions of the Department of Foreign Affairs are:
- Promoting Papua New Guinea's international trade and seeking new trading outlets; - Attracting foreign investment clearly beneficial to the people of Papua New Guinea in the creation of employment and income earning opportunities, increasing in national revenues and transfer of skills, seeking mutual assistance for mutual gain
The Division is an operations Division and takes carriage of all State Protocol and Diplomatic and ConSulaF functions. It administers a number of Acts that include the PNG Diplomatic and Consular Privileges and Immunities Act of 1975, Chapter 83: the United Nations and Specialized Agencies (Privileges and Immunities) Act, No. 10 of 1977: and other similar agreements between PNG and a country or international organization. The Division has four (4j branches having the following functional responsibilities:
Accreditotion ond Visits Branch
The branch is responsible for receiving and processing requests for accreditation for the Heads of Mission (HOMs) from both PNG and foreign countries. It is responsible for preparing all relevant documentation for accreditation. This includes LetteFS Of Credence and Introduction for the PNG HOMs with other countries: and Commissions and Exequaturs for PNG COnSulS, and Honorary Consuls abroad. It prepares and seeks Agre'ments from host Governments tor the newly appointed PNG HOMs. For newly appointed HOMs from other countries or organizations to PNG. it works with the Office of the Governor-General on the Presentation of Credentials from these HOMs, both resident and non-resident, lo the Governor-General.
lt liaises with different government organisations and as necessary with the Offices of the Governor-General: Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, Chief Justice. Speaker of the National Parliament, as well as other Government Ministère for appointments for meetings or courtesy calls requested by foreign HOMs Or organisations or visiting Heads of State or Government and distinguished State dignitaries. lt assists to facilitate travel and Iogistical Support for visiting foreign HOMs or dignitaries for visits and travel within PNG: organizes commissioning of the appointed PNG HOMs and Posts prîor to assuming their postings, and other ceremonies and events such as National Days and official receptions.
In carrying out its duties, the branch works closely with government agencies. including the Government House: Prime Minister's Department: PNG Defence Force: National Security Unit (NSU) of the Royal PNG Constabulary; and National Intelligence Organization (NIO} to provide close protection to visiting Heads of Government or State and VIP dignitaries.
Privileges and Immunities Branch
The branch is responsible for the administration of three (3) key Acts in the work of the Division: the Diplomatic and Consular Privileges and Immunities Act of 1975: the United Nations and Specialized Agencies (Privileges and Immunities) Act of 1977, and the Designated Aid Status Act of 1977.
These Acts provide the notional legal basis for the Department to asses and either endorse or reject certain privileges and immunities requested by serving diplomats or personnel of international organizations and bilateral and multilateral donor partners, and Diplomatic Missions, Consulates and Consuls. This includes exemption from taKes and other forms of customs and excise duties on personal effects; motor vehicles; issuance of driving licenses; diplomatic registration of vehicles; and other privileges and immunities under the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic Relations and Consular Relations respectively.
The branch also deals with matters relating to the Designated Aid Status Act fo assess and determine the credentials of aid and other humanitarian organizations seeking designated aid status in PNG for work they do in the donor space and in supporting the development of PNG in key development and socio-economic sectors.
Consular Affairs Branch
The Branch is responsible for compiling the Diplomatic and Non-Diplomatic Directories: and Honorary Consuls Directories in PNG and overseas. It issues Consular Certificates for diplomatic goods and other items for duty exemptions; processes all applications for the issuance and extension of entry permits for personnel of diplomafic, consular, international organizations and aid agencies. It assists the Diplomatic Corp on the recruitment of local staff and needs tor utility services.
It mediates on complaints or issues raised by the public or private citizens, and the private sector against diplomats, consuls, honorary consuls and international organizations or its staff and vice-verse against PNG citizens and the public. It extends consular assistance and provides physical protection of resident HOMs, diplomatic compounds and properties: and diplomatic personnel. It performs notary functions. authentication of marriage, births and death certificates.
Conferences and Ceremonies Branch
The branch liaises with relevant government departments and agencies to facilitate the hosting or commemoration of major events and occasions such as receptions or events and other anniversaries or government recognized holidays and occasions and infernational and national events hosted in the country. It works closely with National EventS Office in Prime Minister's Depar1ment; Police, Defence Force and other agencies to coordinate and deliver these events.
Noel Leane
Chief Protocol Division
The Division is the main operations division. It is responsible for all corporate services functions of the Department both at headquarters and the PNG Overseas Missions and Posts. It draws its key functional responsibilities from the Public Service (Management) Act of 995; Public Finances (Management) Act of 198ó; Public Service General Orders (GO); and the Foreign Service Manual of Operations. It has four (4) branches with the following responsibilities:
Finance Branch
The branch regulates and monitors and controls the departmental expenditure at headquarters and the overseas missions and posts 1o ensure accountability is maintained in all activities of the Department to avoid waste and extravagance. i! exercises financial delegation and reviews the accounting system consistent with the Public Finance (Management) Act and financial and accounting procedures and reviews the accounting systems and procedures applied in overseas mission and posts.
It provides guidance and advice on financial management issues and draws up the annual departmental budget in close consultation with all divisions at headquarters and overseas Missions and Posts. It also processes claims and payments for departmental activities and to staff of the department such as overseas and domestic travel requests and allowances and other entitlements; and for creditors and service providers. Monthly and quarterly financial reports and reviews are also carried out by the Branch.
For overseas Missions and Posts, it consults closely with the Departments of Finance and Treasury to ensure the quarterly budgetary allocations for the PNG Missions and Posts are prepared and remitted in a timely manner. It examines and reconciles financial returns from Missions and Posts and carries out post and audit inspections in the Missions and Posts.
Properties and Assets Management Branch (PAM)
The branch provides general support services to ensure the Department's assets and properties both at headquarters and overseas Missions and Posts are well maintained. It procures and maintains an inventory or register of all the departmental assets and equipment at headquarters; the fleet of vehicles, computers and accessories, office furniture. stationary, and office operational supplies and materials.
It manages the dispatch and receipt of mail and courier services for packages and baggage, (diplomatic bags are no longer used by the department), and movement of personal effects of Department officers upon taking up and on returning from diplomatic postings abroad.
Human Resources Branch
The branch is responsible for all personnel matters. lt attends to salaries and personnel emoluments and entitlements; recruitment and selection: training and performance appraisals: staff placement, promotion and overseas postings: leave entitlements; and review and implementation of Overseas Living Allowances (OLA) for PNG home-based staff; and formulation anÖ implementation of employment contraCt5 for Senior staff and the PNG HOMs and Posts. lt advises on Staff disciplinary matters and Department's Organizational Structure
The branch works in collaboration wifh government organizations, including Department of Personnel Management: Department of Finance. and Public Service Commission using relevant government laws and regulations such as the Public Services (Management) Act: foreign Service Handbook and the Manuel of Operations with other relevant regulations in the discharge of its functional responsibilities.
Information and Communication Technology Branch
The branch is responsible for all personnel matters. lt attends to salaries and personnel emoluments and entitlements; recruitment and selection: training and performance appraisals: staff placement, promotion and overseas postings: leave The Branch was established in 2013. It is responsible for managing the Department's information and communication technology system and resources through the provision of technical support and advice. It ensures the Department maintains and operates an effective and efficient information and technology system to deliver its functional responsibilities. The primary focus Of the branch is to maintain the DFA ICT network Infrastructure to ensure it aligns with the Digital Government Act 2022.
Sini Namori
Director General Corporate Services Division
The Bilateral Division is a policy division that is responsible for dealing with all of PNG's bilateral relations and matters with bilateral and development partner countries: regional organizations: and other international entities or jurisdictions in the key areas of politics and diplomacy: social and cultural relations: development cooperation and aid assistance: security and defence cooperation, and trade and economic cooperation.
The Division consists of four (4j branches as listed below along with it's functional responsibilities:
Pacific, Australia and New Zealand (PANZ) Branch
This branch is responsible for all aspects of the PNG-Australia bilateral relations: and PNG-New Zealand bilateral relations and the relations with other South Pacific Island Countries in particular members of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS).
It is also responsible for all other Council of Regional Organizations in the Pacific (CROPj agencies including 3ecretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC): Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP); certain aspects, especially political aspects. of the Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA): and also for the Pacific Islands Development Program (PIDP) and Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) in the region. This is one of the biggest and most focussed branches in the Department given the magnitude and importance of PNG's relations with Australia and New Zealand.
Asia and ASEAN Branch
The branch is responsible for the main aspects ot PNG's bilateral relations with all the countries in the Asian region that have diplomatic relations with PNG. This includes the major economies in North Asia such as Peoples Republic of China Japan, and South Korea. In South Asia this includes India. Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. In East Asia it covers Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia Republic of Indonesia. Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Republic of the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and Timor-Leste. II also is responsible for relations with Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and its ten (l 0) member states, all of whom are included in the above countries; and the ASEAN Regional Forum {ARF), especially on regional security matters.
Americas, Europe. Middle-East and Africa (AEMEA) Branch
The branch deals with the main aspects of PNG's bilateral relations with the countries in the AEMEA region, especially in the main areas of politics and diplomatic engagement, trade and economic cooperation, defence and security matters, and development assistance and cooperation. This includes the countries in the North and South America, including fhe United States: Europe; Middle East; and the African Continent.
It also deals with specific aspects, in particular political matters, of the key organizations of strategic interest lo PNG and in which PNG is a member in these regions. This includes the European Union in Europe and its relations to the Organization of African, Caribbean, and the Pacific States (OACP S) formerly ACP States: and the Commonwealth in Europe and ils relations with the Commonwealth countries.
Legal and Treaties Branch
The branch is responsible for all legal and treaty matters and ensures the Department complies with all internal constitutional and legal requirements and processes and international treaty making requirements and processes in negotiations on international agreements or arrangements/understandings and in PNG's participation in international agreements or treaties and its membership of international organizations. This includes ratification of various agreements and treaties: performing the role of depository for designated treaties or agreements where required; and the preparation of relevant treaty and participation or representation instruments or credentials.
Brian Kamu
Director General Bilateral Division
The Multilateral and Development Cooperation Division is a policy division. If is responsible for all the key aspects and issues under PNG's multilateral relations with the different regional and international organizations; institutions and arrangements. It is also responsible for development cooperation and aid assistance matters with development partner countries and organizations and entities. The division has five (5) branches with the following main responsibilities:
International Organizations (IO) Branch
The branch is responsible for key aspects of PNG's engagement with multilateral organizations and arrangements. This includes the United Nations (UN) and its Specialized Agencies, Commonwealth and others that include non- governmental organizations (NGOs). It deals with Climate Change matters: Human Rights issues: and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
lt is responsible for coordinating payment of PNG's assessed membership contributions to various international organizations and arrangements in which PNG is member or State Party. lt coordinates election bids and requests for support from different countries for their endorsed candidates to various positions in different international organizations.
International Economic Arrangements (IEA) Branch
The branch pursues PNG's engagement and interests in multilateral economic matters, including trade and investment facilitation, promotion of PNG products, developing new trade agreements and markets and environment related issues in trade.
It coordinates and services PNG's membership requirements in World Trade Organization (WTO), UNCTAD, WIPO and other multilateral economic organizations in close internal consultations with other government, especially the National Trade Office (NTO) and the private sector organizations as necessary. It is responsible for servicing and representing PNG's membership obligations in international commodity organizations; re-negotiation of commodity agreements and coordinate payment of membership fees for these organizations in consultation with concerned national and industry commodity boards and organizations.
Regional Economic Affairs (REA) Branch
The branch oversees the major regional economic relations and matters in the region. It is responsible for all the regional fisheries matters emanating from Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA): Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA); a sub- regional arrangement on tuna fisheries: Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC I: the Pacific Commission (SPC); and Bilateral Fisheries Access Negotiations with Distant Water Fishing Nations. It coordinates and represents PNG in these regional and international fisheries meetings with government agencies like National Fisheries Authority (NFA) and Department of Justice and Attorney General (DJAG) and as necessary, the industry.
The branch also deals with the Air Services Agreements (ASA) and Double Tax Avoidance Treaties (DTT) between PNG and other countries. It plays a leading role in the inter-agency committee comprising government and private sector agencies that develops and negotiates these Agreements. Likewise, the branch is also responsible and performs a leading role in coordinating and participating in Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (IPPA) negotiations in close consultation with the Investment Promotion Authority.
Development Cooperation Branch
The branch is responsible for the Department's oversight role on negotiating and facilitating development assistance and aid from different international donor countries organiza1ions and entities or institutions. If does this in close consultation with the Department of National Planning and Monitoring (DNPM) and other implementing government agencies as necessary.
The branch works closely with other government departments and agencies to develop and negotiate technical and development cooperation agreements or arrangements with Selected bilateral countries or partners and regional and international organizations to bener control and coordinate the facilitation and implementation of development assistance and technical aid in the country, especially its alignment with the Key government priorities and overall development agenda.
It coordinates PNG's political and diplomatic engagement with the EU both at the OACPS level in collaboration with the PNG EmbaSSy in Brussels and in the region in consultation with Pacific Islands Forum 3ecrefariat. It coordinates PNG's representation and participates at the EU-OACPS and Pacific OACPS meetings at the Leaders, Ministerial and diplomats or officials' level.
it deals with the policy aspects of the application of the Aid Status Act and works closely with the Protocol Division to evaluate, determine and advice on requests from international organizations and non-governmental and humanitarian organizations either working in PNG or providing various forms of aid and assistance to be granted Designated Aid Status and recognized as aid organizations.
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Unit
The unit was created to provide policy advice and support during PNG's hosting of APEC in 2018 given the important role of the Department in the overall policy work that was done across the government system and private sector in readiness for PNG lo assume the APEC chair and host the APEC year in 2018.
The branch has reduced its staff strength and the focus of its role since the conclusion of the APEC 2018. If continues to perform its supportive role to the PNG APEC Secretariat in the Prime Minister's Department. It participates in major meetings such as Committee on Trade and Investment; Experts and Working Groups; Senior Officials Meetings (SOMs) ; Ministerial Meetings including the Ministers Responsible for Trade (MRT) Meeting; and the annual APEC Ministerial Meeting (AMM) that precedes the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting (AELM) given the role of the Minister in the MRT and AMM and consequently as the chief or key political advisor to the Prime Minister during the AELM.
Buri Gari
Director General Multilateral Division
The Division was created under the mini restructure in 2013 primarily for the Department to play a more proactive role in border management and border security issues as one of its core functions. It plays a vital role to enhance and develop improved cooperation between PNG and countries that share its land and maritime borders: Australia Indonesia, Solomon Islands. and Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) under the Basic Border Agreements and Arrangements with these countries.
It works with the Department of Defence, PNGDF and relevant government entities to develop and maintain effective border management. This includes initiating and developing shared economic activities and monitoring and imposing necessary security measures in the border provinces and areas. The Division has four (4) branches, including Border Liaison Offices in Vanimo and Daru with the following functional responsibilities:
PNG and Australia Border Branch
The Branch is responsible for managing the key political and bilateral as well as certain operational aspects Of the PNG-Australia border. It implements and monitors major border developments and activities and movements under the Torres Strait Treaty. It attends to issues arising from operations or these developments and activities in the shared border.
PNG and Republic of Indonesia Border Branch
The branch manages key political aspects and certain operational matters for the PNG-Indonesia maritime and land border. It coordinates and plays a leadership role in the PNG-Indonesia border discussions on major developments: migration and culture, and security issues in the border Provinces and areas through the Border Liaison Committee (BLC) and Border Management Committee (BMC) Meetings.
PNG and Solomon Islands and Pacific Border Branch
The branch manages the main political or sovereign aspects and certain operational matters in the administration of the PNG-Solomon Islands and PNG- FSM international maritime borders.
It collaborates with concerned government and security agencies to monitor activities in the border and attend to migration and security issues in the maritime borders to ensure PNG's sovereignty is nof compromised. It ensures marine resources in our maritime boundaries are jointly safeguarded from illegal exploitation.
Security Cooperation Branch
The Branch deals with all border and security related issues not covered by other branches in the Division. IN covers trans-international activities that pose a security threat to the internal security or border and sovereignty of the country. This includes fransnational crimes such as money laundering, human trafficking or migrant smuggling, and human rights.
The branch also deals with issues such as counter-terrorism financing. oceans governance activities such as illegal fishing or deep-sea mining. It monitors the implementation of the provisions of various international treaties and agreements that call for a nuclear free world like under the Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty (NPTj, and the Comprehensive Test Ban (CTBT) Treaty. It is responsible for the issuance of Diplomatic Clearance fo all foreign aircrafts and vessels for entering PNG's airspace and waters for various reasons.
James Noglai
Director General Border and Security Division