About DFA: Our Functions

The core functions of the Department of Foreign Affairs are:

  • To protect and promote  Papua New Guinea's national identity, sovereignty, territorial integrity and security;
  • To promote Papua New Guinea as a Melanesian country with democratic institutions;
  • To contribute positively to national development and prosperity by:

- Promoting Papua New Guinea's international trade and seeking new trading outlets; 

- Attracting foreign investment clearly beneficial to the people of Papua New Guinea in the creation of employment and income earning opportunities, increasing in national revenues and transfer of skills, seeking mutual assistance for mutual gain

  • Promoting the prosperity, Stability and Security of the South Pacific region
  • Managing and Conducting relations with foreign governments and international organization 
  • Protect the interest of the Nation 
  • Representing the sending State in the receiving State
  • Promoting friendly relations between the sending State and the receiving State, and developing their economic, cultural and scientific relations