About DFA: Our Objectives


Taking a whole - of - government approach and in partnership with the private sector and other non — government organizations and interest groups in Papua New Guinea and in line with the theme- "Connecting for Peace and Prosperity in a Changing World", the Department will purposefully and proactively provide support for building capacity and achieving the foreign policy objectives of the Government.

The six (6) Strategic Objectives to achieve the Foreign Policy Goals are:

1. Neighbourly Cooperation

2. Strengthening Key Partnerships

3. Diversifying and Building Partnerships for Mutual Benefit

4. Trade and Economic Cooperation;

5. Good Global Citizenship; and

6. Institutional Strengthening, Modernization and Operational Processes.

The key objectives are based on the first Corporate Plan, 2014 - 2016 with the deliberate inclusion of trade, investment and economic cooperation, and refinement and consolidation of othe robjectives resulting from the Foreign Policy Review conducted in 2016 and completed in May 2017.

The Foreign Policy Review Report was approved by the National Executive Council in its Decision No:183/2017 on 5th June 2017.

A brief summary on the strategic objectives and the actions the Department will take to implement and realize the outcomes are presented here under in section VII - The Department Operational Activities & Performance.