Welcome to Department of Foreign Affairs
Papua New Guinea

Justin Tkatchenko
Minister of Foreign Affairs Papua New Guinea

Elias Wohengu
SecretaryDepartment of Foreign Affairs
Papua New Guinea
I am pleased to welcome you to the official website of the Department of Foreign Affairs.
In this digital space, we provide an overview of the functions and purpose of the Department as well as sharing information and keeping up to date with the latest news on the foreign relations activities and engagement of the Department with PNG'S bilateral and multilateral partners and international organization.
The website also aims to connect all the Overseas Heads of Mission and Posts and acts as a gateway to the other Government Department and Stakeholders Website.
Thank you for being here, and we hope you enjoy your journey with us. If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to say hello, send us a quick email to inquiries@dfa.gov.pg.
Have a Pleasent Tour !
Elias Wohengu
Secretary for Department of Foreign Affairs
Our Moto
“ Connecting for Peace and Prosperity in a Changing World ”
Our Vision
A well – functioning Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), including Papua New Guinea’s diplomatic and consular representatives, working efficiently and effectively on behalf of the Government and the nation as a whole and in close cooperation with other governments and international organizations.
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As the government agency with principal responsibility for coordinating, managing and growing Papua New Guinea’s connection in a changing world, the Department of Foreign Affairs, including Papua New Guinea’s diplomatic and consular representatives, works to secure national interests
Read MoreObjective
Guided by the foreign policy approaches, and the National Trade Policy, the Department of Foreign Affairs focuses on growing and widening PNG’s international trade and promote efforts towards attracting increasing flow of capital investment from investor countries and international financial institutions into PNG.
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